Finally the FLAK Front is Finished!

Now before I can continue, I have to decide something about the center cables. I realized that if I start the Xs and Os at the correct row number that corresponds with where I am with the sides of the front and the back, I'll be starting at the last cable cross of each letter, then starting the next letter a couple of rows down. This would just look wonky. So I'll have to start with whole Xs and Os. I think I'll probably start with the right-side row that's between two X/O repeats. It won't match up exactly with the back, but who looks at both the back and front at the same time? The back Xs and Os will finish up a couple of rows before the front, so they'll be a couple rows of plain knitting at the bottom, but I think that won't be a problem.
I didn't try cabling the inner snakes yet, either. I did the one on the left, as I had enough stitches to cross, but being so close to the edge, it seemed to pull the edge out of whack, and I thought it would be very hard to pick up neck stitches there. So I undid it, and knit those plain so far.
I finally got caught up reading all the FLAK postings. It sure is interesting what everyone is doing, and great to see all the different yarns and cables everyone is using. I'm glad the next part isn't out yet; it'll give me a chance to finish the front. I noticed that a lot of folks are participating in the Knitting Olympics too, during FLAK down time. Unfortunately I'm missing out on the Olympics, as we only have Globo, Brazilian TV, which keeps DH in touch with his home country. I don't care much for watching TV anyway, and I love the Brazilian novelas, so normally I don't miss having American TV. But I do miss being able to see some of the Olympics, especially the winter ones as I love to watch the figure skating. This weekend Globo starts carnival coverage for a few days, so I was thinking maybe I can do Knitting Carnival? Actually I have a past due wedding quilt I'm supposed to be working on (instead of a sweater for myself!), so maybe it'll be Quilting Carnival!
Here's what I worked on over the weekend:
By the time I got home, I also had a splitting headache, so went to sleep for a few hours. That, with a change in cold medicine, made all the difference. Sunday it snowed all day, so church was cancelled and I decided to stay inside. I took some of the natural-color yarn I'd frogged from the honeycomb sweater and Kool-Aid dyed it. I wound 240 yards of the yarn into skeins and dyed it using the microwave method, in a big pyrex bowl. It took a while for the color to absorb, as there was so much yarn, but it worked great! Four packets of Kool-Aid resulted in this medium orange:
I wound two of the skeins into balls. I'll knit the larger pumpkin first, then re-dye the rest of the yarn with more orange Kool-Aid to get a darker shade for the smaller pumpkin.
I continued to plug away on the back of the FLAK sweater, and last night finished it down to the armpit, which was 9" from the center of the saddles. I've decided to pick up a longer, 40" Addi Turbo, as I'll need it when the back and front are ready to be joined. I'll use it as a big stitch-holder for the back in the meantime. Hopefully I'll have time to swing by the LYS tomorrow morning; then I'll be able to start the front tomorrow night. (BTW, I'm using size 7 needles. I was using Crystal Palace Bamboo needels, but the bamboo part came out of the join right in the middle of a cable row! I like Addi's much better than bamboo anyway, so I'm glad to continue with them.) Here is the back:
The cables don't really show up good in the photo; the shading of the Quatro yarn is really subtle.
Tonight I decided to start on the felted bag made with the multicolored yarn from the honeycomb sweater. I cast on 55 stitches on size 10-1/2 needles, knit in stocking stitch for 4-1/2", and here is the result:
I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's felted!